Jan 30, 2013

Enable always continuous page display in Adobe Acrobat

If you are reading pdf files, you may have noticed the two different page display modes: single page display and continuous page display. In single page display, when you reach end of page, it automatically jumps to the next page. If you are like me, will feel this is disorienting at best. Even if you set default page display to continuous, at Preferences > Page Display > Default Page Layout, you will notice that not all pdf files will follow this and you will end up, manually changing the mode each time, resulting in diminishing respect for Acrobat. After exhaustive search (well mostly ) I have finally discovered an override setting.

To always enable continuous page display in Adobe Acrobat, go to:
Preferences > Accessibility  and check "Always use Page Layout Style" as "Single Page Continuous".
And enjoy your mind bending control over the pdf files...