Apr 8, 2008

A new device to translate thoughts into speech

Ambient Corporation, a company based in Champaign, IL, that develops communications technologies for people with speaking disabilities, is calling its latest system "voiceless communication". The company has engineered a neckband that translates a wearer's thoughts into speech so that, without saying a word, he or she can have a cell-phone conversation or query search engines in public.

The device, called Audeo picks up the neurological signals from the brain that are being sent to the vocal cords--a person must specifically think about voicing words--and then wirelessly transmits them to a computer, which translates them into synthesized speech. At the moment, the device has a limited vocabulary: 150 words and phrases.

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Yücel Kıvanç said...

A stepping stone to the Babel Fish!

xcellent said...

Nice and useful post about Translating Thoughts into Speech - from Ambient Technologies.

Have also given a link to it from my related post

Translating Thoughts into Speech - from Ambient Technologies.
